Consumer Protection Resources

State and federal agencies provide many tips and resources to consumers in an effort to  make sure they are well-informed before buying products and services. They also try to  alert consumers to common scams and fraudulent offers. 

I sincerely hope that these resources help you protect your privacy, manage money and  debt, avoid identity theft, make informed decisions, and steer clear of frauds and scams. 


If you have questions about banking products or bank practices, a division of the  Treasury Department provides answers to many common questions

Health and Safety 

The Federal Trade Commission provides links to many state and federal  resources designed to help consumers make the best heath care choices available. Some  specific topics include: 

Managing Credit and Debt 

Staying Safe Online 

The Federal Trade Commission, in partnership with the Department of Homeland  Security and many other federal agencies, maintains, with current  information about using online resources wisely and safely. Topics include: 

Avoiding Scams 

Scam Stoppers

The Better Business Bureau maintains a site titled "Scam Stoppers", which is designed to  shed light on common scams and give you a way to report suspected scams for further  investigation. 

The Federal Trade Commission provides tips on avoiding specific types of scams.