Congressman Himes has submitted funding requests for important community projects in Connecticut District 4 to the House Appropriations Committee.

Under guidelines issued by the Appropriations Committee, each Representative may request funding for up to 15 projects in their community for fiscal year 2025 – although only a handful may actually be funded. Projects are restricted to a limited number of federal funding streams, and only state and local governments and eligible non-profit entities are permitted to receive funding. Additional information on the reforms governing Community Project Funding is available here.

In compliance with House Rules and Committee requirements, Congressman Himes has certified that he, his spouse, and his immediate family have no financial interest in any of the projects he has requested.


Projects Requested

NOTE: The projects are listed alphabetically by Subcommittee

Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies

National Aeronautics and Space Administration – Safety, Security, and Mission Services
Project: Planetarium & Astronomy Center Specialized Equipment Needs
Project Recipient: Stamford Museum & Nature Center
Requested Amount: $2,694,975
Project Summary: This project will provide funding for the Stamford Museum & Nature Center (SM&NC) to build out its planetarium and observatory. Funding will be used to purchase essential equipment to outfit the planetarium, observatory, and classrooms with new technology, including telescopes, a motorized roof, and classroom technology.

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Department of Justice – Byrne Justice
Project: Bridgeport Crisis Intervention Team Expansion
Project Recipient: City of Bridgeport
Requested Amount: $811,600
Project Summary: This project will expand the Social Work and Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) program in Bridgeport. This funding will address the critical need for effective crisis response and support for individuals experiencing mental health, homelessness, substance use, and other related challenges within the City.

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Department of Justice – Byrne Justice
Project: Mobile Police Command Center Upgrades
Project Recipient: City of Stamford
Requested Amount: $500,000
Project Summary: This project will improve the Stamford Police Department’s response to public safety threats at large-scale events and sensitive locations. This funding will go to the City of Stamford to retrofit its existing mobile command center with modern computers, radios, cameras, and other equipment.

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Department of Justice – Community Oriented Policing Services – Technology and Equipment
Project: Public Safety Emergency Command Post
Project Recipient: Town of Fairfield
Requested Amount: $850,000
Project Summary: This project will improve the Fairfield Police Department’s response to public safety threats at large-scale events and sensitive locations. This funding will go toward a state-of-the-art Emergency Command Post equipped with advanced communications systems, enhanced technology integration, and increased operational space that will meet the needs of the Town of Fairfield’s public safety operations.

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Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies

State and Tribal Assistance Grants – Clean Water State Revolving Fund
Project: Wastewater Treatment UV System Replacement
Project Recipient: New Canaan
Requested Amount: $2,000,000
Project Summary: This project will replace the Town of New Canaan Wastewater Treatment Facility’s 26-year-old Ultraviolet (UV) disinfection system. The funding will go to construction of a new room for a parallel UV channel with new effluent flow meter, a new secondary effluent flow splitter box and the replacement of manually operated handwheels with motor-actuated operators on slide gates.

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State and Tribal Assistance Grants – Clean Water State Revolving Fund
Project: Stormwater Management Improvements
Project Recipient: City of Stamford
Requested Amount: $3,200,000
Project Summary: This project will improve the City of Stamford’s ability to withstand future extreme weather events. This funding will build the City of Stamford’s stormwater capacity with improved catch basins, larger pipe sizes, and better conveyance systems.

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State and Tribal Assistance Grants – Clean Water State Revolving Fund
Project: Beardsley Pump Station and Force Main Replacement
Project Recipient: Town of Trumbull
Requested Amount: $3,000,000
Project Summary: This project will complete Phase 2 of the Beardsley Pump Staton and Force Main Replacement. The funding will go to completing the design and replacement of 1,200 feet of force main between the Town of Trumbull and City of Bridgeport.
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Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies

Department of Housing and Urban Development – CDBG – Economic Development Initiatives
Project: Oak Park Phase 2
Project Recipient: Housing Authority of the City of Stamford, Charter Oak Communities
Requested Amount: $2,000,000
Project Summary: This project will complete Phase 2 of the Charter Oak Park demolition and redevelopment. This funding will be used to build 166 new units of larger and more energy-efficient housing for low-income families.

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Department of Housing and Urban Development – CDBG – Economic Development Initiatives
Project: Bridgeport Police Headquarters Design
Project Recipient: City of Bridgeport
Requested Amount: $2,000,000
Project Summary: This project will allow Bridgeport to plan and design a new police headquarters. The funding will go to the planning and design of a new police headquarters that meets the accessibility and public safety needs of the community.

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Department of Housing and Urban Development – CDBG – Economic Development Initiatives
Project: West Side Neighborhood Pedestrian Improvements
Project Recipient: City of Stamford
Requested Amount: $2,000,000
Project Summary: This funding will improve pedestrian safety and connectivity in the City of Stamford’s underserved West Side. The project will reconstruct intersections in the neighborhood to include raised crosswalks, bump outs, and street trees, as well as develop new bus shelters.

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Department of Housing and Urban Development – CDBG – Economic Development Initiatives
Project: Venus Building Complex Parking Lot & Pedestrian Improvements
Project Recipient: Town of Ridgefield
Requested Amount: $1,446,000
Project Summary: This project will improve parking accessibility and pedestrian safety at the Venus Building Complex, a commercial and recreation center in Ridgefield, CT. The funding will go to replacing pedestrian infrastructure to ensure ADA compatibility, rehabilitating parking and lighting, and installing a stormwater detention system.

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Department of Housing and Urban Development – CDBG – Economic Development Initiatives
Project: Weston Town Center Wastewater Expansion
Project Recipient: Town of Weston
Requested Amount: $2,000,000
Project Summary: This funding will be used to upgrade and expand the wastewater treatment capacity for the Weston Town Center.
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Department of Transportation – Highway Infrastructure Projects
Project: Norwalk River Valley Trail Extension to Calf Pasture Beach
Project Recipient: City of Norwalk
Requested Amount: $2,000,000
Project Summary: This project will contribute to the completion of the Norwalk River Valley Trail, a multi-use off-road trail spanning over 30 miles from East Norwalk and continuing through five communities in Connecticut’s Fourth District. The funding will go toward the construction of the trail and traffic infrastructure that will increase pedestrian, cyclist, and vehicle safety while expanding access to Calf Pasture Beach.

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Department of Transportation – Highway Infrastructure Projects
Project: Washington Boulevard Pedestrian and Bike Improvements
Project Recipient: City of Stamford
Requested Amount: $2,500,000
Project Summary: This funding will improve safety on Washington Boulevard. The project will fund safety improvements including a raised intersection with bump outs, pedestrian refuge islands, a raised mid-block crosswalk into Mill River Park, bicycle facilities, and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliant sidewalks.

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Department of Transportation – Transit Infrastructure Projects
Project: The MLK Corridor Equitable Mobility Enhancements
Project Recipient: City of Norwalk
Requested Amount: $3,000,000
Project Summary: This project will improve transportation and mobility around the South Norwalk Train Station. The funding will go toward undergrounding utilities, roadway milling and paving, sidewalk reconstruction, installation of pedestrian lighting, and painted traffic markings for bike lanes and crosswalks.

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