WASHINGTON, DC—With the path of Hurricane Sandy quickening, Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) is encouraging residents to prepare for possible landfall and do what they can to stay informed. Himes is reminding residents to heed the warnings of local emergency responders and promises to do what he can to help share information as it becomes available.

“My first priority is to help my constituents stay safe. I will do what I can to share information as it becomes available, but please listen to our emergency responders and proactively work to stay informed,” Himes said. “I encourage everyone to prepare for possible landfall—be sure your family has a plan to communicate and evacuate if necessary.”

Himes sent an e-newsletter to constituents with tips to prepare and has reached out to Connecticut Light & Power to encourage them to keep customers better informed than during past emergencies. Himes said he will continue sharing information via email when possible, but encouraged residents to follow him on Twitter at @jahimes since that will contain the most up-to-date information and will more available than email should power outages occur.

To find more information on how to prepare for the storm, go to himes.house.gov and click on the large button that says “Hurricane Sandy.” To join the Congressman’s email list, submit your email address under “Get updates from Jim” on the same page.