WASHINGTON, DC – The Concord Coalition announced this week that it will honor Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) with the 2012 Paul E. Tsongas Economic Patriot Award for his work on deficit reduction. The Concord Coalition, a non-partisan organization dedicated to reducing the national deficit, is recognizing Himes for his courage in voting for the bipartisan Cooper-LaTourette Budget, which was modeled after the deficit reduction recommendations of Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles. This was the first floor vote on the Simpson-Bowles plan and was the only budget that received bipartisan support in the House. Twenty-two Democrats and sixteen Republicans supported the measure.

“I was proud to back the only budget plan that garnered bipartisan support,” said Congressman Himes. “I am thrilled to accept this honor and look forward to continuing my work with members from both sides of the aisle as we seek ways to responsibly shrink our national deficit.”

The Paul E. Tsongas Economic Patriot Award honors those who have demonstrated a commitment to fiscal and generational responsibility. Over the years, it has been given to individuals of varied backgrounds and political affiliations for their lasting contributions to America’s economic health.

“We are honoring Republican and Democratic House members who this year put the national interest above political partisanship,” said Robert L. Bixby, Concord’s executive director. “Instead of pursuing narrow agendas, they put everything on the table, made tough choices, and called for shared sacrifice. Their plan could rein in projected deficits and put the United States on a more responsible and sustainable course – one that would protect our nation’s strength and shield future generations of Americans from crippling national debt.”

Earlier this year, USA Today recognized Congressman Himes and the 37 others who supported the Simpson-Bowles budget, calling them “heroes” and coining the group “The Brave 38.”