WASHINGTON, DC— Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) today joined dozens of his colleagues and immigration activists fasting for immigration reform in calling on House Leadership to bring immigration reform up for a vote. Himes is a cosponsor of H.R. 15, which mirrors the Senate comprehensive immigration reform bill that passed with broad, bipartisan support this spring.

Click here for photos of Himes at the press conference and meeting with the fasters.

“I am deeply inspired by the passionate men and women who are making a profound self-sacrifice for the sake of calling national attention to the millions of undocumented workers waiting for Congress to reform our seriously broken immigration system,” said Himes after the press conference. “Visiting with the fasters gave me a renewed sense of urgency on this issue, and I will continue doing everything I can to get a comprehensive immigration reform package brought to the floor.”

Immigration activists are participating in a 22-day, water-only fast called the “Fast for Families” to highlight the need for immigration reform. The bill Himes cosponsors will create a more human immigration system by allowing families of undocumented immigrants to stay together.

Immigration reform will also be a boon for the economy: the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) reports that passage of immigration reform will add $1.4 trillion to U.S. GDP in the next 10 years. Additionally, the Senate bill would create 121,000 new jobs every year for 10 years.