WASHINGTON, DC—Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) released the following statement on Connecticut Governor Dannel P. Malloy’s signing into law new gun violence prevention measures. This new law requires a background check for all private gun sales, bans the sale of more than 100 types of military-style rifles, raises the age requirement to buy a rifle from 18 to 21, requires owners of ammunition magazines holding more than 10 bullets to register them with state police, and limits new magazines to 10 bullets.

Last night, Connecticut lawmakers led the way with passage of strong gun violence prevention measures that will make it harder for the wrong people to get dangerous weapons, and I urge my colleagues in Congress to follow suit sooner rather than later. The bill signed into law by Governor Malloy today will help keep military-style guns off the streets, ensure that all high-capacity magazines are accounted for, and prevent criminals, the mentally ill, and children from getting their hands on a gun. This is an important moment for a state still grappling with an unspeakable tragedy, and I am encouraged by the fact that nearly every legislator from Southwest Connecticut – both Democrats and Republicans – voted for these important reforms. I applaud the Governor and Connecticut legislators for putting partisan politics aside and doing what is right to protect our children and families.”