Washington, DC — Today, Congressman Jim Himes (CT-04) issued the following statement after voting to pass a 45-day continuing resolution to avert a government shutdown:

“As elected officials we must do everything in our power to keep the government open and working for the American people. Today, Democrats bailed out badly divided Republicans by voting nearly unanimously for a continuing resolution to prevent a shutdown. This stopgap measure was a monumental improvement from the Republicans’ original, extreme legislation which attacked our countries’ most vulnerable, slashing funding for food benefits, disaster relief, and education programs. Today, we proved that bipartisanship is the key to good policymaking. I am proud of the work my fellow Democrats and I have done to right what would otherwise have been a deeply problematic bill.

“While I remain concerned by my Republican colleagues’ decision to withhold funding for Ukraine, I am confident that its exclusion from this stopgap measure will not interrupt ongoing aid, and I am committed to assuring that aid to brave Ukrainians is included in the final appropriations bill later this year.”