WASHINGTON, DC—As the Thanksgiving deadline nears for the Congressional “Super Committee” tasked with finding $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction measures, momentum is growing for the committee to “go big.” Today, Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4), along with Republican and Democratic colleagues from both the House and Senate, held a press conference urging the Super Committee to exceed its mandate and present a $4 trillion deficit reduction proposal. Today’s event marks the first time House and Senate Democrats and Republicans have come together on a large scale to announce their support for a comprehensive $4 trillion plan to reduce the deficit.

Click here for a photo of today’s press conference.

“The Super Committee members need to know, we are here to help them succeed. Our nation needs them to succeed—the world is watching,” Himes said. “We need a bipartisan solution that reprioritizes our federal spending to reduce the deficit and make the necessary investments in infrastructure and education we know will ultimately lead to job creation. All options need to be on the table.”

For months, Himes has been meeting with a small, bipartisan group of lawmakers to discuss areas where they can break the partisan gridlock crippling Washington, concentrating especially on deficit reduction. Recently, the group gathered over 100 signatures for a letter urging the Super Committee to “go big” and put all deficit reduction options on the table. Forty-five senators signed a similar letter.

This coming week, Himes will hold town hall meetings to gather input from constituents on federal efforts to create jobs, reduce the deficit, and get the economy back on track.

Background: The “Super Committee” was established by the Budget Control Act, the deal passed in early August to end the nation’s debt-limit stalemate. The group is tasked with presenting Congress with $1. 2 trillion in additional deficit reduction measures, but Himes has been leading an effort to urge a more comprehensive $4 trillion solution. Most economists recognize $4 trillion as the level of deficit reduction necessary to achieve long—term fiscal sustainability.