WASHINGTON – The Connecticut Congressional delegation Friday thanked President Obama, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano, and FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate for sending federal disaster assistance to Connecticut to help individuals recover from the destruction caused by Irene’s wind, rain, and coastal storm surge.

The delegation, however, in a second letter to the President, continued to seek a major disaster declaration for Connecticut, which would make additional aid available to individuals, businesses, and local governments. The letter can be read here.

Connecticut also will receive a $1 million grant from the Federal Highway Administration to help reconstruct and repair roads and highways that flooded due to Irene’s force.     

Senator Joseph Lieberman said: “This is a great way to end the week. I am grateful to the President, the Secretary, and Administrator Fugate for providing this assistance to help the people of Connecticut recover from Irene’s damage. The delegation will continue to press for a major disaster declaration so the state can tap additional federal funds for the extensive repairs that must still be made across Connecticut.”

Senator Richard Blumenthal said: “These resources will help move our state forward – a solid step but by no means enough to repair the damage. As the recovery gathers momentum, I will continue to fight for additional federal funds necessary for homes and businesses to complete recovery. Our distinct advantages are the courage and perseverance of our people, supported by a united congressional delegation ready and willing to fight for fair and full federal assistance.”

Rep. John Larson said:  "Clearly today's announcements are welcome news. I want to thank President Obama and Secretary Napolitano for their leadership. I also want to commend Senator Lieberman for his work in leading our delegations’ response to Hurricane Irene."

Rep. Rosa DeLauro said: “This is great news for the many Connecticut families struggling to recover from Tropical Storm Irene’s devastation. These funds will help people to rebuild their homes and ensure that our damaged housing will be repaired. But there is still a long way to go on our road to recovery, and I will continue to work with my colleagues and federal, state, and local officials to ensure that Connecticut residents get the help they need.  I urge President Obama to declare Connecticut a major disaster area, which will expand access to assistance for local residents, businesses, and communities and significantly enhance our recovery capabilities.”

Rep. Jim Himes said: “After Hurricane Irene battered Connecticut this past week, I am very pleased that our state is receiving federal funding to aid in the recovery effort. Moving forward, this important financial assistance will go a long way in helping our state pay for all of the clean-up and repairs leftover from the hurricane. I strongly urge everyone who is eligible to take advantage of this financial opportunity that has been made available to us so that we can get Connecticut moving again.”

Rep. Chris Murphy said: “This is welcome news for the thousands of people across Connecticut whose homes were devastated by Hurricane Irene and the terrible flooding and power outages that have disrupted so many lives in its aftermath. Connecticut needs disaster relief, and we need it now. Our delegation pushed hard for this unprecedented early assistance, and we’ll continue to fight for every single piece of federal aid available to get Connecticut back on its feet.”