Bridgeport, CT–Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) today called upon Congressman Anthony Weiner (NY-9) to resign, saying Weiner’s actions are distracting the Congress from critical work. Himes also announced that he would give campaign contributions received from Weiner to charity.

“While millions of Americans go without work, families throughout the country fear foreclosures, and our nation faces a fiscal crisis, we cannot afford the continued distraction of this sorry situation,” said Himes. “I hope Mr. Weiner will choose to step down so Congress can put this matter to rest and so that he can focus on his personal situation.”

In each of the 2008 and 2010 election cycles, Weiner donated $1,000 to Himes for Congress. Today, Himes directed that the $2,000 his campaign received from Weiner should be donated to the Yerwood Center in Stamford, Connecticut, a community resource center providing educational and personal development opportunities to Stamford’s diverse community.