WASHINGTON, DC— Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) acted today to force an up-or-down vote on legislation to extend tax cuts on income below $250,000 per year.  Himes signed a discharge petition that will force a House vote on the Middle Class Tax Cut Act (H.R.  15). The Senate passed the same measure on July 25 and the President has said he will sign it immediately, but House Republicans continue to refuse to allow a vote on the bill.

“House Republicans continue to hold tax cuts for the middle class hostage to their other negotiating objectives,” Himes said. “We all agree that middle class families shouldn’t pay more in taxes, so we should vote to give them certainty on their personal budgets as soon as possible.”

This legislation provides everyone with a tax cut on income up to $250,000. If House Republicans do not permit action on this measure, middle-class families will see their income taxes go up an average of $2,200 on January 1. Approximately 98 percent of families and 97 percent of small businesses would be helped by this measure.

A discharge petition requires the House to consider the legislation once a majority (218) Members of Congress have signed it. A list of Members of Congress who have signed the petition is available here.