WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) released the following statement regarding President Obama’s jobs speech.

“President Obama  tonight proposed many of the policies I have long supported – streamlining our tax code, investing in the restoration of our crumbling infrastructure, and addressing our long-term deficit.  The president laid out a plan to restore economic vitality and address the suffering of too many Americans. As he noted, in addition to being fully paid for, the elements of this plan have been supported by Democrats and Republicans in the past. It is a plan that both Democrats and Republicans can and must get behind to restore faith in the American economy. 

Tonight’s speech highlighted the urgent need to focus on jobs – something this Congress has failed to take seriously until now.  It rejected the false choice between jobs today and fiscal stability in the future, and the false choice between economic growth and the regulations that keep us safe.  It challenged us to move beyond political bickering to real solutions.

As the supercommittee begins to meet and our collective attention turns to the challenges of unemployment and our deficits, we must keep in mind that job creation and fiscal responsibility are not mutually exclusive; in fact, they go hand in hand.  If we address our debt, employers and investors will be more confident in the national economy. Likewise, widespread unemployment has had a profound effect on our deficit, and creating jobs will help get our fiscal house in order.  Moving forward, it is vital that we consider both job creation and deficit reduction.”