WASHINGTON, DC—On Saturday, Access Health CT will begin their first big push to inform people about the new health insurance opportunities that will be available through the new affordable health insurance exchanges. With that in mind, Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) issued the following statement reminding constituents about increased access to health care and how the quality of their insurance is improving and will continue to improve as the Affordable Care Act is implemented:

“Starting in October, individuals and families in Connecticut will have an online one-stop shop to find the plan that’s right for them at the best price – and the tax credits put in place by the Affordable Care Act will make these plans even more affordable for many families. With Connecticut residents already benefitting from free preventive services, Medicare discounts on prescription drugs, and provisions that help those with pre-existing conditions and children ages 21 to 25 get or keep their coverage, it is clear that the Affordable Care Act is expanding access to care and helping consumers get the biggest bang for their buck.”

Already, the rate of increase of health care costs has begun to slow down since the Affordable Care Act became law. Before health care reform was passed, health care costs were growing at a rate of 6-10% per year. This rate is now down to just 4%. This means the provisions in the ACA to help slow the cost of health care – including reductions in payments to hospitals with high levels of readmissions and incentives for hospitals and doctors who save money by using new delivery methods – are working.

Additionally, the cost of health care will further decline when the affordable insurance exchanges open up on October 1, forcing insurance companies to directly compete for business. Tax credits will also be available to help most Middle Class families pay for health insurance.

A fact sheet on how the Affordable Care Act has already benefitted Connecticut families and how insurance will soon become even more affordable is available here.