WASHINGTON, DC—Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) today praised the president’s signing of new sanctions against Iran. These sanctions send a strong message that the United States will not tolerate Iran’s efforts to obtain nuclear weapons or its failure to recognize universal human rights.  Himes wrote a provision included in the final version of the bill that would strip travel privileges from dangerous Iranian officials and members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.


“A nuclear Iran poses a clear threat to the United States, Israel, and the entire international community. It is critical that the Iranian regime cease its quest for weapons of mass destruction,” said Himes. “I applaud the president for his quick signing of these critical sanctions and will pursue even stronger efforts if Iran continues its defiance and attempts to build a nuclear arsenal.”

Yesterday, President Obama signed the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act into law. These new sanctions will help stifle Iran's energy sector, restrict Tehran's capacity to conduct international financial transactions, and hamper its ability to obtain components for its nuclear and missile programs. Specifically, the law prohibits Iranian banks and the Revolutionary Guard from using the U.S. Banking system, will make it harder for the country to buy refined petroleum, and will impose sanctions on other foreign entities that sell Iran technology, services, or know-how that help Iran develop its energy sector. The new law also imposes penalties on Iran’s worst human-rights abusers and sanctions foreign entities that provide Iran with the means to stifle freedom of expression.

In June, the European Union agreed to new sanctions on Iran, but the U.S. policy goes further. Foreign banks that do business with key Iranian banks or the Revolutionary Guard will not be allowed access to the U.S. financial system, and global suppliers of gasoline to Iran could also face bans on access to the U.S. banking system, property transactions, and foreign exchange in the United States.

Below a summary of the final bill.