BRIDGEPORT, CT - Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4), Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn), and Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch joined EPA Deputy Regional Administrator Deb Szaro this morning to visit the former site of the Progressive Plating Technologies facility in Bridgeport and announce two grants awarded through the EPA Brownfields Program. The City of Bridgeport was awarded a $200,000 grant to clean up hazardous material at the Progressive Plating site and the Greater Bridgeport Regional Council was awarded a total of $900,000 in revolving loan fund grants for hazardous materials and petroleum cleanup activities.

“I am pleased to join my colleagues today to announce these much-needed brownfields grants,” Himes said. “This federal funding will help clean up the Hastings Street site in Bridgeport and support further toxin removal in our region. These projects help improve our environment and our health, and will spur long-term economic growth and job creation. I applaud the City of Bridgeport and Greater Bridgeport Regional Council for their work to receive these grants, and I look forward to working with them to continue to improve the Park City.”    

“Federal brownfields funds improve the environment, strengthens the local economy and spurs growth in jobs.  These EPA grants are a wise investment in Connecticut’s future.  Connecticut’s congressional delegation is committed to assisting municipal leaders in obtaining these critical funds,” Senator Blumenthal said.

“In Bridgeport, we’re investing in our future, making our city a place where our kids and grandkids will choose to live, work and raise their families,” said Bridgeport Mayor Bill Finch. “We’re improving the city by creating jobs, growing our economy, and preparing kids for the jobs of tomorrow. We’re also making our city more business  and family friendly by revitalizing run down properties. That’s why federal grants like this are so important. They help provide us with the resources necessary to do just that. Thanks to Senator Blumenthal, Congressman Himes, and EPA Regional Administrator Sazro for their commitment to improving our state’s largest city.”

“In total, the state of Connecticut has been awarded over $4,000,000 in Brownfields Grants to assess and cleanup Connecticut communities,” EPA New England Regional Administrator Curt Spalding said.  “That is a huge investment in revitalization across the state, and I’m so happy we were able to acknowledge many of the awardees today.”