WASHINGTON, DC—Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) released the following statement on the death of Marine Lance Corporal Roger Muchnick, 23, who was one of eight marines killed in a mortar explosion at a Nevada training camp on Monday. Muchnick grew up in Westport, Conn., and graduated from Staples High School in 2008 before serving tours of duty in Kuwait and Afghanistan.

“I am heartbroken to hear of Marine Lance Corporal Roger Muchnick’s untimely passing. Roger was one of eight bright young men whose lives were cut tragically short this week, and we must never forget his courage and sacrifice. Our men and women in uniform give so much in the defense of this nation, and I know that the community of Westport will be reeling from this loss for a long time to come. I want to express my deepest sympathies to Roger’s family, friends, and all those whose lives were touched by his.”