WASHINGTON, DC—Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) released the following statement regarding the Senate’s confirmation of Richard Cordray to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Senate Republicans had delayed a vote on Cordray’s nomination, but today the Senate reached a deal in which Republicans would allow a vote in exchange for President Obama submitting new nominees to the National Labor Relations Board.

“I am thrilled that the Senate has reached an agreement to confirm Richard Cordray as director of the CFPB. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has an important mandate: to help American families get the information they need to make smart financial decisions and to monitor trends in consumer financial activity so that we can catch unscrupulous behavior—such as predatory lending—sooner rather than later. Having met with Mr. Cordray last month to discuss consumer protection and other issues important to my constituents, I am confident that he has the bold vision and known-how to lead the CFPB.

“Additionally, I am pleased that the Senate was able to come together and reach an agreement allowing for the consideration of Cordray and a number of the President’s other nominees. For too long, partisan posturing has left the American people without leaders in the CFPB and several other agencies. Today’s compromise is an encouraging step toward making Washington work again.”