Bringing Infrastructure Dollars Home

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will help bring American roads, rail, and bridges into the 21st Century and beyond. This bipartisan legislation includes record investments in public transportation, safe water, broadband, electric vehicle infrastructure, the Long Island Sound, and much more. 

I've created this resource to help our communities learn more about the programs in this historic bill and understand how to access funding from it. Funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will primarily be delivered through formula-based funding and competitive funding opportunities

Formula-Based Funding is generally apportioned to the states by formula, and implementation is left primarily to state agencies. Competitive or Discretionary Funding is awarded on a competitive basis through an application process specified by the federal agency making the grant. Each program's selection criteria is outlined in the grant solicitation. Municipalities and organizations in Connecticut's Fourth District may request a letter of support from my office for grant applications by completing this form

Please contact my office at (203) 333-6600 if you have any questions about these federal programs or want to learn more about accessing funding from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.

Grant Application Due Date Calendar

Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022

Funding: $15,000,000,000 

Description: Functions like the traditional Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, except with the stipulation that these funds be used to replace old lead service lines

Eligible RecipientsStates initially receive funding, then provide funds to Water Utilities and/or Municipal and Other Eligible Entities. Communities submit applications to state agencies for financial assistance from the State Revolving Fund. States score each application to determine which projects receive funding.

Eligible Uses: Eligible under the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund and be a lead service line replacement project or associated activity directly connected to the identification, planning, design, and replacement of lead service lines

State Administering AgencyConnecticut Department of Public Health (CTDPH)

Learn MoreHere, Here, and Here

Funding: $1,440,000,000 

Description: Provides funding to states and other entities to ensure that states have the capacity to promote the achievement of digital equity and support digital inclusion activities. The National Telecommunications and Information Administration is required to begin distributing the State Digital Equity Capacity Grants within two years of the distribution of the planning grants. States must apply for the grants and provide a description of the state’s administering entity, its Digital Equity Plan, and certification that the state will implement that plan to NTIA.

Eligible Recipients: Formula funding to States, Territories, District of Columbia

Eligible Uses: Planning (e.g. feasibility), broadband adoption/digital literacy/tech support 

State Administering Agency: TBA

Learn More: Here. View webinars on this program and other broadband programs here

Funding: $1,250,000,000

Description: Provides federal credit assistance in the form of direct loans, loan guarantees, and standby lines of credit to finance surface transportation projects of national and regional significance.

Eligible Recipients: States (including District of Columbia and Puerto Rico), localities, or other public authorities, as well as private entities undertaking projects sponsored by public authorities

Eligible Uses: Surface transportation projects, including highway, transit, intercity passenger rail, some types of freight rail, intermodal freight transfer facilities, and some modifications inside a port terminal, and electrification of buses, ferries, trains, and associated infrastructure. The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law specifically provides new eligibilityunder the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act Program for airport projects and expanded authority for transit-oriented development.

Learn More: Here

Funding: $6,000,000,000

Description: To provide funding for capital projects to eliminate Amtrak's backlog of obsolete assets and deferred maintenance of rolling stock, facilities, stations, and infrastructure on the Northeast Corridor.

Eligible Recipients: Amtrak

Eligible Uses: (1) acquiring new passenger rail rolling stock to replace Amtraks aging and obsolete passenger equipment fleet (and related facilities); (2) bringing Amtrak-served stations into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act; (3) eliminating the backlog of deferred capital work on sole-benefit Amtrak-owned assets located on the Northeast Corridor; and (4) carrying out Northeast Corridor capital renewal backlog projects. Funds may also be used as the non-Federal match for projects under the Federal-State Partnership for Intercity Passenger Rail Program.

Deadline: TBA

Learn More: Here

Funding: $50,000,000 

Description: To provide grants to supply nonprofit buildings with energy-efficiency materials. 

Eligible Recipients: Non-Profit Organizations 

Eligible Uses: To provide non-profits with energy efficiency materials including (i) a roof or lighting system or component of the system; (ii) a window; (iii) a door, including a security door; and (iv) a heating, ventilation, or air conditioning system or component of the system (including insulation and wiring and plumbing improvements needed to serve a more efficient system)

Deadline: TBA. Estimated application opening date, 1st quarter 2023

Learn More: Here


Funding: $1,400,000,000

Description: Funding for evacuation routes, coastal resilience, making existing infrastructure more resilient, or efforts to move infrastructure to nearby locations not continuously impacted by extreme weather and natural disasters

Eligible Recipients: States, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Local governments, Special purpose districts or public authorities with a transportation function, Tribes, Federal land management agencies (applying jointly with State(s))

Eligible Uses: Conduct resilience planning studies, strengthen and protect evacuation routes, and increase the resilience of surface transportation infrastructure from the impacts of sea level rise, flooding, wildfires, extreme weather events, and other natural disasters. 

Deadline: TBA

Learn More: TBA. Contact my office with questions.

Funding: $400,000,000

Description: Provides funding to test, evaluate, and deploy projects that reduce port-related emissions from idling trucks. 

Eligible Recipients: TBD

Eligible Uses: Described above

Deadline: TBA

Learn More: TBA

Funding: $350,000,000 

Description: Supports projects that seek to reduce the number of wildlife-vehicle collisions, and in carrying out that purpose, improve habitat connectivity 

Eligible Recipients: State highway agency (or equivalent), Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Local government, Regional transportation authority, Special purpose district or public authority with a transportation function, Indian Tribe, Federal land management agency

Eligible Uses: Projects to reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions 

Deadline: TBA

Learn More: TBA

Funding: $3,000,000,000

Description: Provides grants to provide flexibility and help quickly rebalance the electrical system, facilitate the aggregation or integration of distributed energy resources, provide energy storage to meet fluctuating, provide voltage support, integrate intermittent generation sources, increase the network’s operational transfer capacity, and anticipate and mitigate impacts of extreme weather events or natural disasters on grid resilience.

Eligible Recipients: Utilities 

Eligible Uses: Qualifying Smart Grid investments including for installation, that allow buildings to engage in demand flexibility or Smart Grid functions. Eligible investments include metering, control, and other devices, sensors, and software; communications and broadband technologies to support smart grid deployment; technologies and programs to integrate electric vehicles to the grid; devices and software for buildings support demand flexibility and other smart grid functions; operational fiber and wireless broadband communications networks enabling data sharing between distribution system components; and Advanced transmission technologies, including dynamic line rating, flow control devices, advanced conductors, and network topology optimization, to increase the operational transfer capacity transmission networks.

Deadline: Expected to be opened by year end 2022

Learn More: TBA

Funding: $11,713,000,000

Description: A federal-state program that provides funding and financing to wastewater and storm water systems for a wide range of infrastructure projects.

Eligible Recipients: States initially receive funding, then provide funds to Water Utilities and/or Municipal and Other Eligible Entities. Communities submit applications to state agencies for financial assistance from the State Revolving Fund. States score each application to determine which projects receive funding.

Eligible Uses: Provide financial assistance to local communities and publicly owned treatment systems for construction of wastewater and stormwater treatment facilities and collection systems; nonpoint source pollution management; construction, repair, or replacement of decentralized wastewater treatment systems; construction of nature-based infrastructure solutions; and other uses associated with the management of wastewater and stormwater.

State Administering Agency: CTDEEP

Deadline: TBA

Learn More: Here and Here

Funding: $1,000,000,000 

Description: Clean Water State Revolving Fund-eligible projects for which the primary purpose is to address emerging contaminants, such as PFAS.

Eligible Recipients: States initially receive funding, then provide funds to Water Utilities and/or Municipal and Other Eligible Entities. Communities submit applications to state agencies for financial assistance from the State Revolving Fund. States score each application to determine which projects receive funding.

Eligible Uses: Provide loans with principal forgiveness or grants to fund clean water infrastructure projects to address emerging contaminants, including PFAS.

State Administering Agency: Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CTDEEP)

Learn More: Here, Here, and Here

Funding: $5,000,000,000 

Description: To make grants to eligible entities, States, and Tribes to prevent outages and enhance the resilience of the electric grid

Eligible Recipients: Electric Grid Operators, Electricity Storage Operators, Electricity Generators, Transmission Owners and Operators, Distribution Providers, Fuel Suppliers, States, Tribes 

Eligible Uses: To carry out activities that are supplemental to existing hardening efforts and reduce the risk of power lines causing a wildfire; or reduce the likelihood and consequences of disruptive events. 

Deadline: TBA. Estimated application opening date, 3th quarter 2022

Learn More: Here 


Funding: $250,000,000

Description: To provide operating assistance to initiate, restore, or enhance intercity passenger rail service.

Eligible Recipients: States, including the District of Columbia; An entty implementng an interstate compact; A public agency/publicly chartered authority established by 1 or more States; A politcal subdivision of a State; Federally recognized Indian Tribe; Amtrak & Other Intercity Passenger Rail Carriers; Rail Carriers in partnership with at least 1 of the enttes described above.

Eligible Uses: (1) Establishing new services; (2) additional frequencies; (3) service extensions; (4) offering new on-board services. Examples of eligible expenses can include: train engineer staffing, fuel, train dispatching, station management, and overhead.

Deadline: TBA

Learn More: Here

Amtrak National Network Grants

December 31, 2022

Funding: $15,750,000,000

Description: To provide funding for capital projects to eliminate Amtrak's backlog of deferred maintenance of rolling stock, facilities, stations, and infrastructure on the National Network

Eligible Recipients: Amtrak

Eligible Uses: (1) Acquiring new passenger rail rolling stock to replace Amtraks aging and obsolete passenger equipment fleet (and related facilities); (2) bringing Amtrak-served stations into compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act; (3) eliminating the backlog of deferred capital work on Amtrak-owned railroad assets not located on the Northeast Corridor; and (4) projects to eliminate the backlog of obsolete assets associated with Amtraks national rail passenger transportation system, such as systems for reservations, security, training centers, and technology.

Deadline: TBA

Learn More: Here

Funding: $4,000,000,000 

Description: DWSRF-eligible projects for which the primary purpose is to address PFAS or contaminants on any of EPA’s Contaminant Candidate Lists (CCL)

Eligible Recipients: States initially receive funding, then provide funds to Water Utilities and/or Municipal and Other Eligible Entities. Communities submit applications to state agencies for financial assistance from the State Revolving Fund. States score each application to determine which projects receive funding.

Eligible Uses: States apply for a capitalization grant with no state match required. The states provide loans with principal forgiveness or grants to fund drinking water infrastructure projects to address emerging contaminants, including PFAS. 

State Administering Agency: Connecticut Department of Public Health (CTDPH)

Learn More: Here, Here, and Here

Funding: $36,000,000,000

Description: To fund capital projects that reduce the state of good repair backlog, improve performance, or expand or establish new intercity passenger rail service, including privately operated intercity passenger rail service if an eligible applicant is involved.

Eligible Recipients: States, including the District of Columbia; A group of States; An InterState Compact; A public agency or publicly chartered authority established by one or more States; A political subdivision of a State; Amtrak, acting on its own behalf or under a cooperative agreement with one or more States; Federally recognized Tribe; Any combination of the entities above.

Eligible Uses: (1) Projects to replace, rehabilitate, or repair infrastructure, equipment, or a facility used for providing intercity passenger rail service to bring such assets into a State of good repair; (2) projects to improve intercity passenger rail service performance, including reduced trip times, increased train frequencies, higher operating speeds, improved reliability, expanded capacity, reduced congestion, electrification, and other improvements, as determined by the Secretary; (3) projects to expand or establish new intercity passenger rail service; and (4) a group of related projects described previously. The planning, environmental review, and final design of an eligible project or group of projects is also eligible. Preference to eligible projects: (1) for which Amtrak is not the sole applicant; (2) the improve the financial performance, reliability, service frequency, or address the State of good repair of an Amtrak route; and (3) that are identified in, and consistent with, a corridor inventory prepared under the Corridor Identification and Development Program pursuant to section 25101.

Deadline: TBA

Learn More: Here

Funding: $42,450,000,000 

DescriptionProvides federal funding for broadband planning, deployment, mapping, equity, and adoption projects and activities.

Eligible Recipients: Formula funding to States, Territories, District of Columbia

Eligible Uses: Planning (e.g. broadband data collection and mapping); broadband infrastructure deployment (e.g. construction), to promote broadband adoption, including through the provision of affordable internet-connected devices; to provide WiFi or reduced-cost internet access to multi-family housing units; and for other uses that the National Telecommunications and Information Administration determines are necessary to facilitate the goals of the program. 

Learn More: Here

Funding: $1,250,000,000 

Description: Program funds will be made available each fiscal year for Community Grants, to install electric vehicle charging and alternative fuel in locations on public roads, schools, parks, and in publicly accessible parking facilities. These grants will be prioritized for rural areas, low-and moderate-income neighborhoods, and communities with low ratios of private parking, or high ratios of multiunit dwellings.

Eligible Recipients: State or political subdivision of a State, Metropolitan Planning Organization, Local government, Special purpose district or public authority with a transportation function, Indian Tribe, Territory

Eligible Uses: Acquisition and installation of publicly accessible electric vehicle charging or alternative fueling infrastructure, operating assistance (for the first 5 years after installation), acquisition and installation of traffic control devices 

Deadline: TBA. Federal Highway Administration will publish a Notice of Funding Opportunity in Winter 2022.

Learn More: Here