This week, the House is expected to consider six bills, ranging from Congressional Gold Medals to health care.

Legislation under consideration this week includes:

H.R. 1067: Modifies Title 36, United States Code, which pertains to patriotic and national observances, ceremonies and organizations, to revise and expand its table of contents, revise the formatting of chapter headings, and improve the clarity of the title’s language.

H.R. 1068: Updates and makes changes to title 54, United States Code, “National Park Service and Related Programs,” to make clarifications to preservation programs operated jointly with the Park service and those within the purview of the Park Service but not directly operated by it.

H.R. 360: Awards posthumously a Congressional Gold Medal to Addie Mae Collins, Denise McNair, Carole Robertson, and Cynthia Wesley, in recognition of the 50th commemoration of the bombing of the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church.

H.R. 1071: Directs the U.S. Mint to use standard coin blocks to produce the new National Baseball Hall of Fame commemorative coins.

Helping Sick Americans Now Act (H.R. 1549): Reopens the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Program (PCIP) to accept new enrollees with pre-existing conditions and transfers up to $4 billion from the Prevention and Public Health Fund of 2010 to cover the costs. The law also removes the requirement that enrollees in high-risk pools must be uninsured for at least six months prior to applying for coverage.

Responsible Helium Administration and Stewardship Act (H.R. 527): Permits the Federal Helium Reserve to continue selling crude helium after its debt is repaid, so long as the sales are made through market-based auctions to maximize the return to tax payers. Additionally, the bill calls for increased price transparence and promotes greater competition in the private helium market.