This week, the House is expected to consider nine bills, ranging from Ukraine to affordable health care.

Legislation under consideration this week includes:

Senate Amendment to H.R. 4152: authorizes $150 million in aid to Ukraine, including $100 million in military and other security assistance, and $50 million for democracy and civil society efforts. It codifies and expands sanctions imposed this month by the Obama administration, including asset freezes and visa bans, against certain Russian and Ukrainian officials who have undermined the Ukrainian government or committed human rights abuses.

S. 2183: authorizes up to $10 million for Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and Voice of America to increase broadcasts into eastern Ukraine (including Crimea), Moldova, and other nearby ethnic Russian communities in order to counter misinformation from Russia-supported news outlets.

The Weather Forecasting Improvement Act of 2014 (H.R. 2413): authorizes $457 million for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) to improve forecasting of severe weather events over fiscal years 2014-17.

H.R. 4005: authorizes a total of $17.5 billion for fiscal years 2015 and 2016 for the U.S. Coast Guard and the Federal Maritime Commission (FMC).

H.Con.Res. 92: authorizes the use of the Capitol Grounds for the National Peace Officers Memorial Service and the National Honor Guard and Pipe Band Exhibition on May 15.

H.Con.Res. 88: authorizes the use of the Capitol Grounds for the Greater Washington Soap Box Derby on June 14.

Children’s Hospital GME Support Reauthorization Act of 2013 (S. 1557): reauthorizes the Children's Hospital Graduate Medical Education Program through FY 2018, reducing the total authorization level to $300 million per year, from the previous $330 million per year. The measure authorizes $100 million each year for direct graduate medical education and $200 million each year for indirect graduate medical education.

H.R. 2575: in yet another attempt by Congressional Republicans to undermine the Affordable Care Act, this bill modifies the definition of who is a full-time employee, replacing the 30-hour-a-week threshold with 40 hours a week so that more businesses with 50 or more employees can avoid having to offer affordable health coverage to their employees or pay a penalty.

H.R. 1874: directs the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) to prepare supplements to its traditional cost estimates that include a macroeconomic impact analysis of major pieces of legislation — including expected changes in spending or revenues that would occur from changes in economic growth.