WASHINGTON, DC — On today’s 42nd anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Roe v. Wade, Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) voted against House Republican legislation (H.R. 7) that would deny reproductive health services for millions of American women. Yesterday, Himes helped introduce the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would roll back a wave of dangerous state laws that restrict women’s access to reproductive care.

“Instead of working with Democrats to create jobs and fix our antiquated transportation networks, House Republicans are once again trying deny a woman’s right to make her own choices about her health care. This extreme legislation would drive up women’s insurance premiums and likely force many to lose their coverage entirely,” Himes said. “In the last few years, there has been a deluge of state laws to restrict women’s reproductive health choices. We need to stand up to these radical attacks on women’s rights, which is why I’m proud to cosponsor the Women’s Health Protection Act. Every woman, regardless of where she lives, deserves access to safe, high-quality reproductive health care.”

The Women’s Health Protection Act would prohibit any current or future state laws that impose requirements or restrictions specifically on abortion services that are more burdensome than those for medically comparable procedures, do not significantly advance women’s health or the safety of abortion services, and make abortion services more difficult to access.