Veterinary Medicine Mobility Act (H.R. 1528): This bill amends the Controlled Substances Act to clarify that veterinarians are not required to have separate registrations to dispense controlled substances outside of their principal place of business, including farms, if the use of these substances is required in the usual course of veterinary practice in the state where the veterinarian is licensed to practice.

To reauthorize the United States Commissions on International Religious Freedom, and for other purposes, as amended (H.R. 4653): This bill reauthorizes the International Religious Freedom Act through FY 2019 and amends the act to reauthorize the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) as an independent federal government advisory body through that date (rather than as an entity within the State Department).

H.Res. 588:  This resolution expresses concern over the impact on children and families caused by the current suspension of exit permit issuance within the Democratic Republic of Congo, and it requests that the Congolese Government resume processing adoption cases and issuing exit permits via the Ministry of Gender and Family's Interministerial Adoption Committee.

The Preclearance Authorization Act of 2014 (H.R. 3488): This bill sets standards that the Homeland Security Department must meet in establishing future U.S. customs preclearance facilities in other nations, including by requiring advance notification and certification to Congress, and requiring that airport-based preclearance facilities may be established only at airports where at least one U.S. airline provides regular service.

The Chemical Facility Anti–Terrorism Standards Program Authorization and Accountability Act of 2014, as amended (H.R. 4007): This bill incorporates the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards program (CFATS) into the Homeland Security Act (PL 107-296), thus making it part of permanent law, and authorizes appropriations of $87 million a year through FY 2017.

The Social Media Working Group Act of 2014 (H.R. 4263): This bill establishes a social media working group within the Homeland Security Department to provide guidance and recommendations to the first-responder community on the usage of social media before, during and after terrorist attacks or other emergencies.

The Honor Flight Act (H.R. 4812): This bill requires the Transportation Security Administration, in collaboration with the Honor Flight Network or other not-for-profit organizations that honor military veterans, to develop a process for providing expedited and dignified passenger screening services for veterans traveling on private charter flights to visit war memorials built and dedicated to honor their service.

The Department of Homeland Security Interoperable Communications Act (H.R. 4289): This bill requires the Homeland Security Department to devise a strategy to improve radio and other communications among the department's agencies and makes the undersecretary for management responsible for interoperable communications. Interoperable communications are defined as the ability of department components to communicate, including through voice, data and video for daily operations, planned events and emergencies.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (H.R. 803): The measure revamps the nation's workforce development, job training and employment services system to better coordinate federal, state and local programs and services and place a greater emphasis on education and training that will result in employment in in-demand industries and occupations.

Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2015 (H.R. 4923): The bill appropriates $34.2 billion in programmatic funding for FY 2015 for Energy Department programs and water projects conducted by the Army Corps of Engineers, slightly less than comparable current funding, and $34 billion in net discretionary spending subject to budget caps — $50 million less than the current level but $327 million (1%) more than requested.

H.R. 4718: The bill modifies and makes permanent the 50% bonus depreciation rules for businesses that place certain new property in service in a tax year. Bonus appreciation was last extended in the January 2013 "fiscal cliff" law (PL 112-240) and expired at the end of the 2013 tax year.