WASHINGTON, DC—Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) has introduced legislation to ensure that people with out-of-state employers who telework or whose job requires them to occasionally work in another state do not have to pay more than their fair share of state income taxes. The Multistate Worker Tax Fairness Act prohibits a state from imposing an income tax on the compensation a nonresident earns when that individual is not physically in the state.

“While income taxes are important to maintaining our roads and bridges, building new schools, and investing in our future, no employee should have to pay income tax to two states on the same income,” Himes said. “This legislation brings fairness to our tax system while allowing Connecticut residents who work in New York and occasionally telecommute to pay less in income taxes.”

Under current law, many Connecticut residents who work for New York employers and sometimes telecommute must pay taxes to both Connecticut and New York on the wages they earn in Connecticut. Himes’ bill ensures that these workers will not have to pay income tax to both states for the same work. Additionally, as the recent weather highlights, many people may occasionally telecommute when severe weather prohibits a physical commute. This legislation will ensure these workers do not have to pay both Connecticut and New York taxes for those days of work.