WASHINGTON, DC—Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) released the following statement after the House passed a Continuing Resolution to fund government operations after September 30 and completely defund the Affordable Care Act. The bill funds government operations at post-sequester levels through December 15 and repeals funding for the healthcare reform law in full.

“Once again, the GOP Majority in Congress, led by its radical fringe in the Tea Party, has held government operations hostage to its own political agenda. It’s time to accept reality and move forward with both a discussion about responsible federal spending levels and the implementation of Health Care Reform, which will begin providing instant  tax credits for and access to affordable health insurance on January 1 for millions of Americans who could not otherwise get coverage.

“Despite this setback, I remain optimistic that a more moderate and strategic spending plan will emerge in the Senate that adequately funds our federal government and that does not hold our budget hostage to partisan brinksmanship. And I am hopeful that over the next few months, we will have the opportunity to seriously debate our nation’s fiscal and economic policies to invest in infrastructure repair projects that will create jobs while making our roads safer, an education system that prepares the next generation of innovators and leaders, and job training programs that will help get people back to work. I will continue pushing my colleagues in Congress to act responsibly by raising the debt ceiling cleanly, passing a Continuing Resolution to keep our government open, and beginning the process of reordering spending to invest in what really matters – the health, safety, and well-being of the American people.”