WASHINGTON, DC—Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) announced today $440,912 in grants to local community health centers in the Fourth District to enroll uninsured individuals and families in new health coverage options made available by the Affordable Care Act. The awards include $206,763 for Optimus Health Care in Bridgeport, $119,049 for Southwest Community Health Center in Bridgeport, and $115,100 for the Norwalk Community Health Center. The funding will be used to hire additional outreach and eligibility assistance workers to help people in the region enroll in affordable health coverage.

“Southwest Connecticut is already reaping the benefits of healthcare reform, and later this year, the Affordable Care Act will expand access to health coverage for thousands of individuals and families throughout the region who would otherwise go without,” said Himes. “I am excited that these three community health centers – which have already done so much to help expand access to health care in Bridgeport and Norwalk – will help lead the charge in making sure people are aware of their options once the affordable exchanges open up this fall.”

Funding was awarded through the Health Resources and Services Administration’s Outreach and Enrollment Assistance Awards program. This program was established by the Affordable Care Act to help individuals and families get help understanding their coverage options through the new Health Insurance Marketplace, Medicaid, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program; determine their eligibility and what financial help they can get; and enroll in new affordable health coverage options.