This week, the House is expected to consider six bills, ranging from sexual assault in the military to domestic energy development.

Legislation under consideration this week includes:

H.R. 2383: designates the new Interstate Route 70 bridge over the Mississippi River connecting St. Louis, Missouri, and southwestern Illinois as the “Stan Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge.”

H.R. 1092: designates the air route traffic control center located in Nashua, New Hampshire, as the “Patricia Clark Boston Air Route Traffic Control Center.”

H.R. 2289: renames section 219(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, which allows homemakers to make fully deductible contributions to individual retirement accounts equal to their wage-earning spouses, as the Kay Bailey Hutchison Spousal IRA.

H.R. 1864: requires an Inspector General investigation into allegations of retaliatory personnel actions taken against victims who have reported alleged instances of rape, sexual assault or other forms of sexual misconduct in the military.

Outer Continental Shelf Transboundary Hydrocarbon Agreements Authorization Act (H.R. 1613):  approves the 2012 US-Mexico agreement on an oil and gas reservoir that straddles a maritime border and waives a part of the Dodd-Frank Act that requires companies to disclose payments to foreign nations for those involved with transboundary oil and gas development.

H.R. 2231: requires the Department of the Interior to adopt a new five-year offshore leasing plan that opens up additional areas for offshore oil and gas leasing. It also requires lease sales to be made off the coasts of California, South Carolina, and Virginia.