WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) Wednesday welcomed Shannon Magnaldi of Fairfield, the winner of this year’s Congressional Art Competition, to Washington. Shannon and her mother are in Washington this week to attend a ceremony with other winners from across the country. They also took a private tour of the Capitol Building, led by a member of the Congressman’s staff.

Click here for photos of Shannon with Congressman Himes and with her winning entry on display in the Capitol.

“It was a pleasure welcoming Shannon to our nation’s capital today,” said Himes. “Shannon’s beautiful photograph is a testament to the artistic creativity coming out of Connecticut’s younger generation, and I look forward to seeing her entry on the wall throughout the year.”

Shannon’s black and white photograph, “Off Peak,” will hang in the Capitol Building with the other winning entries for one year. The artwork is hung in a hallway most Members of Congress use to get to the chamber for votes and hundreds of visitors use every day while touring the Capitol.