In the second half of March, the House was in session until the 21st. Returning to the Fourth District, I spoke about current legislation with groups in Westport and Darien, went to schools in Stamford and Norwalk, toured a new dental facility in Bridgeport, spoke with the staff of the Women’s Business Development Council, helped celebrate Greek Independence Day, welcomed about 50 new citizens to the US as they were sworn in, and more.  I met with veterans in Norwalk and constituents from Wilton, Oxford, Stamford, Greenwich, and Bridgeport at my two district offices.

Among my work in the district in March:

Presenting citizenship certificates to new Americans at the federal courthouse in Bridgeport:

Seeing the work of students at the Academy of Information Technology and Engineering in Stamford:

Holding a Q and A session with the Darien Senior Mens Association:

Touring the new Southwest Community Health Center dental facility opening in Bridgeport:

If you or your organization would like to invite me to speak, visit a business or school, or schedule a meeting, please click here.