This week, the House will consider nine bills, ranging from veterans issues to energy.

Legislation under consideration this week includes:

Veteran Skills to Jobs Act (H.R. 4155): directs the head of each federal department and agency to consider, and possibly accept, relevant training received by members of the armed forces that could satisfy the training or certification requirements for federal licenses.

Veterans’ Compensation Cost–of–Living Adjustment Act of 2012 (H.R. 4114): increases the amounts paid to veterans for disability compensation and to their survivors for dependency and indemnity compensation by the same cost-of-living adjustment payable to Social Security recipients.

H.R. 4367: repeals the requirement that banks and credit unions place placards on their ATMs warning that customers may be charged additional fees for use of an ATM if they do not have an account with that financial institution. On-screen warnings will still be required.

H.R. 5892: modifies the permitting process for hydropower facilities by exempting small-hydropower projects from Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) licensing requirements and imposing a 45-day deadline on licensing authorities for reviewing applications.

H.R. 6019: reauthorizes the Juvenile Accountability Block Grants program through Fiscal Year 2017 with $40 million per year - a $10 million increase over FY2012 levels - and expands the program to prevent and address bullying, including cyberbullying, and gang prevention.

Haqqani Network Terrorist Designation Act of 2011 (S. 1959): requires the State Department to determine whether the Haqqani network meets the legal criteria for designation as a foreign terrorist organization, thus making it unlawful for individuals in the United States to provide them with funding, weapons, training, or assistance or any kind. The Haqqani network is an ally of the Taliban and is considered the most dangerous insurgent group in Afghanistan.

S. 2061: authorizes the Department of Homeland Security to exchange 10.5 acres of land in North Charleston, S.C., with the South Carolina state Ports Authority for use as part of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center.

H.R. __: repeals the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, which the Supreme Court recently upheld as constitutional.

H.R. 4402: reclassifies certain mining operations as “infrastructure projects” in order to streamline the permitting process for mining on federal lands. Also stifles the ability of federal agencies to review these projects for environmental concerns, and limits the judicial review process for legal challenges to approved mining permits.