This week, the House will consider 12 bills, ranging from land management to energy.

Legislation under consideration this week includes:

H.R. 2060: allows additional releases of water from the Arthur R. Bowman Damn in Central Oregon to benefit the City of Prineville, Oregon, which currently lacks adequate water supplies.

H.R. 2336: requires the National Park Service to study a segment of the York River in southwest Maine for potential addition to the Wild and Scenic Rivers System, which would freeze dam development along the river.

H.R. 1740: designates two segments of Illabot Creek, totaling 14.3 miles, as components of the Wild and Scenic Rivers System.

H.R. 3263: authorizes the Interior Department to modify existing contracts or enter into new ones as needed to convey more water into the Lake Thunderbird watershed in Oklahoma, which has suffered from a severe drought.

H.R. 241: authorizes the exchange of five acres of land in the Los Padres National Forest in California for land owned by the White Lotus Foundation, a nonprofit, non-sectarian yoga and spiritual center currently operating in the forest.

H.R. 2512: requires the Bureau of Land Management to sell 950 acres of federal land, some of which are contaminated by hazardous waste leftover from the closed Three Kids Mine, to the city of Henderson, Nev., to clean up and redevelop the site.

H.R. 4222: requires the Interior Department to place 20 acres of land into trust for use by the Pascua Yaqui tribe of Arizona, which is constructing a hotel and golf course on nearby land.

S. 363: authorizes the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to exchange land with the City of Pascagoula, Mississippi, so that the city can develop a green space on land previously used by NOAA. This bill was passed by the Senate last November.

S. 292: ratifies a 2007 land agreement between the Bureau of Land Management, the state of Alaska and the Bering Straight Native Corporation regarding use of the Salmon Lake area in Alaska. Under the agreement, BLM would give 3,084 acres of land surrounding the lake to Alaska and 14,645 acres to BSNC. This bill was passed by the Senate last October.

H.R. 4282: amends the Social Security Act to ensure that the United States is complying with the Hague Convention of November 2007 on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance. This convention established a comprehensive system of cooperation between different countries which involve improvements to state-administered child support enforcement programs and increase child support collections from parents residing overseas.

H.R. 5325: provides funding for Energy Department programs and federal water projects overseen by the Army Corps of Engineers.

H.R. 436: repeals a tax on certain medical devices enacted under the Affordable Care Act. Also modifies current tax law to allow individuals with re-tax flexible spending arrangements (FSA’s) to recoup their unused contributions for the year.