WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Jim Himes (CT-04) joined leaders from across the country in recording a video wishing the United States Army a happy 237th birthday. The videos are part of an effort spearheaded by the Army to better connect American citizens with their military.

Click here to watch the video.

In a video message to the Army, Himes celebrated the history and achievements of the Army since its establishment on June 14, 1775, remarking on its role in the American Revolution, Civil War, and World Wars I and II. Joining him in the video were Active Duty Staff Sergeants Daniel Reilly and Lester Thomas, who work in the Stamford Recruiting Office, and Veterans Archie Elam of Stamford and David Cole of Norwalk.

“The United States Army has embodied what it is to be an American and, of course, protected us and the values that we hold so dear,” said Congressman Himes in the video. “It is a real pleasure to help the Army celebrate this 237th birthday to remind each and every American of how much that army is intertwined with our people and our history.”

Today, over 700,000 soldiers serve in over 100 countries across the globe.

The full script of the video is as follows:

I’m Congressman Jim Himes, representing Connecticut’s fourth Congressional district, here with some of my friends to wish the United States Army a very happy 237th birthday. My friends here to help me celebrate are: Staff Sergeant Thomas, Staff Sergeant Riley, Archie Elam, David Cole.

The history of the United States Army is really the history of the United States. From the Revolutionary War when the United States Army came together to establish this nation and define our liberty against Great Britain; right on through the great battles of the Civil War, to which this area contributed any number of men; through World War I when the city of Bridgeport, which is just up the road, was known as the ‘arsenal of democracy’ for the manufacturing of the munitions and the material that really helped the Allies prevail in World War I; right on through the defense of this country against fascism, communism, and genocide, the United States Army has embodied what it is to be an American and, of course, protected us and the values that we hold so dear.

We’re particularly proud in this part of Connecticut to have produced a number of Medal of Honor recipients, including John McGrath of Norwalk and a series of others, who won that highest of honors in the nation’s battle. It is a real pleasure to help the Army celebrate this 237th birthday to remind each and every American of how much that army is intertwined with our people and our history, and to say: Happy Birthday, Hooah!