Greenwich Public Schools is one of 166 school districts recognized nationwide for providing high-quality music education to its students, according to the NAMM Foundation’s 13th annual Best Communities for Music Education survey. The NAMM Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing active participation in music making across the lifespan. The survey acknowledges schools and districts across the country for their commitment to providing access to music education as part of a complete education. Schools were selected based on funding, graduation requirements, music class participation, instruction time, facilities, support for the music program and other relevant factors in their communities' music education programs.

Congratulations to Greenwich Public Schools for receiving this honor. The arts are an important part of a child’s education and development and have been linked to greater academic achievement, deeper social and emotional development, and more active civic engagement. I am encouraged to see this school district providing its students with an expansive curriculum that includes a high-quality music education.