On the eighty-fifth birthday of labor and human rights activist César Chávez, we celebrate the life and work of a bold leader, one who fought tirelessly to better the lives of farmers and immigrants. Chávez leaves behind a legacy of fearless activism. His dedication to the rights of workers and the underprivileged can be seen in the many advances that were achieved because of his unrelenting commitment to justice and fairness. Whether it was striking for fair wages for grape pickers or opposing efforts to exploit undocumented and migrant workers, Chávez held steadfastly to his convictions that all people deserve fair wages, decent benefits, and the opportunity to achieve the American Dream.

Though Chávez is no longer with us today, his rallying cry of “Si, se pueda” continues to inspire us to strive for a better tomorrow – one where all workers are treated fairly and with respect.