This week, the House will consider eight pieces of legislation, ranging from energy to the budget. The House may also consider a motion to instruct their conferees on the Temporary Payroll Tax Cut Continuation Act, which extends the payroll tax cut and unemployment insurance through the rest of the month.

Bills under consideration this week include:

Corolla Wild Horses Protection Act (H.R. 306): directs the Secretary of the Interior to enter into an agreement with the Corolla Wild Horse Fund, Currituck County, and the state of North Catolina to provide for the management of free-roaming wild horses in and around the Currituck National Wildlife Refuge. This includes allowing a herd of 130 free-roaming wild horses in and around the refuge, providing for cost-effective management of the horses, and obligating the Corolla Wild Horse Fund to pay for the health, maintenance, removal, and placement of the horses.

H.R. 1162: designates specified federal land within Olympic National Park, Washington, as wilderness or potential wilderness and places it in the trust of the Quileute Indian Tribe. Provides the public with recreational access to portions of this land and allows the land to be altered to allow for the relocation of Tribe members outside the tsunami and Quillayute River flood zones.

New York City Natural Gas Supply Enhancement Act (H.R. 2606): authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to issue permits to allow the construction of natural gas pipeline facilities in the Gateway National Recreation Area of New Jersey-New York, and to enter into a lease agreement to allow the occupancy and use of an aircraft hanger building on Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn, New York, to house natural gas facilities.

Civilian Property Realignment Act (H.R. 1734): establishes the Civilian Property Realignment Commission to identify opportunities to reduce the federal government’s inventory and cost of federal civilian real property, perform an analysis of the inventory, report its findings and recommendations for consolidating and reducing the inventory to the President, and establishing a website for making relevant information about federal civilian real property available to the public.

Expedited Legislative Line-Item Veto and Rescissions Act (H.R. 3521): authorizes the President to propose the rescission (line-item veto) of all or any dollar amount of funding provided by any enacted bill or joint resolution to be dedicated solely to deficit reduction.

Budget and Accounting Transparency Act (H.R. 3581): amends the Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act to change the way that the costs of federal loans and loan guarantees are calculated for budget purposes, mandating that they include a premium for market risk.

Stop Trading On Congressional Knowledge (STOCK) Act (S. 2038): prohibits Members of Congress and congressional employees from using any nonpublic information derived from their positions in Congress for personal benefits.