This week, the House will consider four pieces of legislation, ranging from the postal service to transportation infrastructure. The House may also consider a motion to instruct their conferees on the Temporary Payroll Tax Cut Continuation Act, which extends the payroll tax cut and unemployment insurance through the rest of the month.

Bills under consideration this week include:

H.R. 2079: designates the United States post office located at 10 Main Street in East Rockaway, New York, as the “John J. Cook Post Office.”

H.R. 3247: designates the United States post office located at 1100 Town and Country Commons in Chesterfield, Missouri, as the “Lance Corporal Matthew P. Pathenos Post Office Building.”

H.R. 3248: designates the United States post office located at 112 South 5th Street in Saint Charles, Missouri, as the “Lance Corporal Drew W. Weaver Post Office Building.”

H.R. 7: provides for $260 billion over five years for highway, transit and other surface transportation programs while consolidating many of those programs, including the Highway Trust Fund. The bill also requires expedited environmental reviews for speeding up transportation projects. It also expands offshore oil and gas drilling and directs royalties from the drilling to pay for the Fund, and includes language directing the Federal Energy Regulatory Committee to consider approval of the Keystone XL pipeline.