Restoring Long Island Sound

September 12, 2011

Last week, I joined the Connecticut Fund for the Environment in Greenwich as they announced a joint effort by Connecticut and New York to restore and preserve Long Island Sound. The SoundVision plan will bring together the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the New York Department of Environmental Conservation, and the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection to help reduce the amount of sewage and storm water being dumped into the sound. The groups aim to restore 200 acres of coastal habitat and 80 miles of migratory areas for fish.

Jim Himes at SoundVision Tour I have always believed that the Long Island Sound is a unique resource which must be maintained and restored. As a long time environmentalist, I believe we must do all that we can in order to maintain our nation’s natural resources, and that includes the diverse and beautiful Long Island Sound. The Connecticut Fund for the Environment has made preservation of the Sound a priority, and I look forward to working with them in the future as we move forward with plans to restore the health and beauty of this regional treasure.

You can view photos from last week’s event here.