My August visits to the towns of the Fourth District took me to Shelton on Saturday and I started the day at Lex Products' grand opening celebration. Their corporate headquarters and manufacturing facility are now in Shelton, where they employ 225 people.

Shelton_Lex Products Open House_8.13.2011Lex Products designs and builds some of the best electrical distribution and control systems on the market. If you've been to a major arena concert, there's a chance you've seen their products at work, controlling the lighting and other visual effects. And, Lex Products supplies the U.S. Marine Corps with portable power distribution units. I enjoyed the tour, and I enjoyed meeting the employees (I particularly enjoyed the clambake and BBQ!).

I've been visiting a lot of small businesses this month. In the coming weeks and months, I'll be talking to more and more about the one issue that demands the attention of Congress above all others: J-o-b-s.