WASHINGTON, DC—Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) today praised the approval of $403,000 for the Norwalk Pulse Point bus hub project. This funding will provide the required local match to the over $3 million in federal grants Himes and the Norwalk Transit District have secured to finance the project, which is expected to create or retain 78 construction-related jobs.

“Since taking office, this has been one of my top priorities for Norwalk, and I’m thrilled we were able to connect resources from local, state, and federal governments to make the Pulse Point project a reality,” said Himes. “Solid transportation infrastructure is absolutely essential to economic development, and the new bus hub will create jobs and improve transportation throughout the Norwalk area for commuters, visitors, seniors, and students.”

Last Friday, the Connecticut Bond Commission approved the $403,000 necessary to complete Norwalk’s Plus Point bus hub. The project includes a 600-foot canopy, security cameras, shelters, seating, bike racks, security phones, and other passenger amenities. The Pulse Point, located on Burnell Boulevard, serves as a hub for the transit district’s bus services in the city.

“Redevelopment of the Pulse Point is our highest capital priority, and the state matching funds are necessary for its completion,” said Louis Schulman, Administrator of the Norwalk Transit District. “Congressman Himes’ support has been critical to the receipt of those funds.”