On October 7th, Hamas terrorists brutally attacked the people of Israel. Over 1,200 innocent civilians, including Americans, were murdered, maimed, subjected to unimaginable horrors, or taken hostage. 100 days later, I remain sickened by the enormity of this massacre.

As Ranking Member of the Intelligence Committee, I have more insight than most into the decisions and actions that followed the attack. I supported, and continue to support, Israel’s right to defend itself, and the non-negotiable imperative that those who imagined, perpetrated and conducted this atrocity be brought to justice. It is unacceptable that innocent civilians remain in captivity. Hamas must release all hostages immediately.

But innocent Palestinian life is no less valuable nor less worthy of protection than innocent Israeli life. The humanitarian situation and the staggering civilian casualties in Gaza are appalling and damage Israel’s long-term security and the hope for a just and lasting peace in the region.  That is why I have consistently pushed Israeli leadership to act in a targeted manner to bring Hamas terrorists to justice.

This week, I met with senior Israeli military leadership and said that the humanitarian situation must improve dramatically and civilian casualties must decline precipitously. The President, the Secretary of State, and senior American national security leaders have made this point for months. To date, Prime Minister Netanyahu’s administration has not adequately heeded this advice.

As Secretary Blinken recently noted in Saudi Arabia, the future of the region must be built on a two-state solution offering dignity, peace, and security to all of the region’s people. As impossible as this outcome may seem now, we must all work to make it more, not less likely.