On this Veterans Day, we honor a small and unique group of people. We honor those from all walks of life and all corners of our nation who stood up and donned the uniform in service of our country. In doing so, they offered each of us unimaginable sacrifice, up to and including their very lives. There is little we can do, and even less we can say, that can fully honor that sacrifice. But we can start with a profound and heartfelt thank you. And we can follow through with the love, care and support that our military families need before, during, and after deployment.

As we learned so tragically last week at Ft. Hood, our military men and women are never really safe, not in the deserts of Afghanistan, not in the apparent safety of their bases, perhaps not even after they leave service and reintegrate into civilian life.

As I think about the last ten months in Congress from the vantage point of this day, I am recommitted to passing legislation that rewards our veterans’ commitment to our nation and ensures they have access to quality health care, education, and career opportunities, and that the support their families get is second to none.
Much work is left to be done. Please join me in a prayer today for the safety and success of all of our veterans and of each and every soldier, sailor, marine and airman currently in harm's way. And please don't let the day go by without doing at least one small tangible thing to recognize the service of these fine men and women.