WASHINGTON, DC—The Campaign to Fix the Debt has named Congressman Jim Himes (CT-4) one of 32 inaugural “Fiscal Heroes” for placing a priority on fixing the debt. The Campaign to Fix the Debt is a non-partisan organization dedicated to putting America on a better fiscal and economic path.

“We have made great strides over the past few years towards getting our fiscal house back in order, and it is time for Congress to have a serious conversation about our spending priorities—including making targeted investments in our transportation infrastructure, scientific research, and our education and job training programs,” said Himes. “Unfortunately, politics often get in the way of progress, but I will continue working to find common ground with anyone on either side of the aisle who shares my commitment to these principles.”

According to Fix the Debt, Fiscal Heroes have distinguished themselves by taking fiscally responsible votes, pushing their party leaders to make debt a priority, leading bipartisan efforts to work through policy options to fix the debt, using their town hall meetings to engage and educate constituents, delivering floor speeches to raise awareness about the issue, advocating to keep tough choices on the table, and introducing legislation to improve the nation's fiscal position.

“These Members have in a variety of ways played a leadership role in focusing national attention on the pressing issue of the debt and have been working to forge credible solutions,” said Maya MacGuineas, head of the Campaign to Fix the Debt. “They all share a recognition that we will need to take a comprehensive approach to address the core drivers of the debt, and they are willing to confront the policy challenges of coming up with solutions. Given that there is much more to be done to confront the nation's debt challenges, it is important to recognize those who are focusing on these issues.”

Himes was previously recognized by the Concord Coalition for being among the “Brave 38” Members of Congress to vote for the Simpson-Bowles budget proposal.